Feng shui victory horse-, a horse is considered to be a form of progress and progress, if a picture or statue of a horse is placed in the right direction, then immense success can be found in life. Along with hard work, Vastu and Feng Shui are also considered important for success and progress in life. If you are not getting success or progress even after working hard, then this easy solution of Feng Shui can be found to solve your problem.
Like Indian astrology, Feng Shui works on the basis of positive and negative energy. The horse statue is used in Feng Shui to gain name and fame. There are many types of this Feng Shui horse such as running, two front legs raised or two horses in a pair.
If the statue of a horse running in the south direction is kept, it is believed that it brings you wealth, prosperity and happiness, and improves the Vastu of our house. But while keeping it, keep in mind that its head should be towards any window or door. By doing this positive energy comes into the house.
To get a name and fame, it is considered very auspicious to keep the statue of the Horse in Feng Shui the horse is considered a symbol of speed, ability and power.
A moving statue of one or more horses is a sign of progress on your path to success. By keeping such a statue at home or any office, you will remain focused on your goal and will be able to achieve success by using the right energy in the right direction.
The statue of a running horse herd should face towards your home or office. If the face of such a statue is outwards, then all the energy will go outwards.
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